We were thrilled to be joined by over 100 alums through all 3 events to celebrate our 90th anniversary. Thanks to their generosity, we surpassed our fundraising goal of $25,000 during the final session! With a generous match from alumni Steen Sauerberg, we were able to raise over $85,000 for our Virtual 90th Anniversary Campaign.
Camp Volunteer Week 2020
LAJF Leadership Address
Farewell CRS 2020 Virtual Program Season!
Virtual CRS in Review
We have concluded our first ever Virtual CRS, and our campers are excited to tell you all about it! Our Virtual CRS blog project group worked hard on putting together a daily recap, favorite VCRS memories from all campers, and topical articles for you all to learn from. If you’ve been curious what Virtual CRS looked like, now’s your chance to learn all about it!