#GivingTuesday 2021: What it Means to "Give" — The Louis August Jonas Foundation

#GivingTuesday 2021: What it Means to "Give"

Dear Friends of LAJF and Camp Rising Sun,

As you know, today is a day that has become synonymous with the act of giving. This year, #GivingTuesday is inspiring me to think about what it truly means to “give.”

As the Executive Director of LAJF and Camp Rising Sun, I have spent many years at the helm of our organization, witnessing the ways in which everyone involved in our work gives and gives back

Our campers and participants give their all during the time they spend in our programs. They fully immerse themselves in our curriculum to further their growth, they wholeheartedly seek connections with peers from different cultures, and they throw themselves into passion projects that create change in their communities.

The staff, board, and volunteers of our organization give their time and energy to strengthen our important work. They are committed to a strategic vision that will set us up for sustainable growth for years to come. 

Finally, you — our generous community of supporters — give us the gift of opportunity, growth, and change. Your continued support ensures that Camp Rising Sun and our growing roster of programs are able to reach even more young leaders across the globe year after year. I truly believe that together, we are building a stronger and more compassionate world. 

Today, I hope you join us in our mission of developing compassionate young leaders by making a donation to LAJF and Camp Rising Sun. It starts with each one of us and then we are able to see the ripples of change throughout the world.

With gratitude,

Helene Mattera

LAJF Executive Director
